UPD grad assistant creates community among police, students

Story by Charlee Caudill | Staff Reporter

When JaLisa Smith didn’t get into her dream graduate school, she had no idea what to do. Smith studied psychology with a minor in criminology and Spanish during her undergrad at Eastern Illinois University. Smith said faculty members from Student Standards and Student Affairs helped her realize what she wanted. The University Police Department was offering a Graduate Assistantship for the first time, and she decided to apply.

University Police Chief Kent Martin said the UPD  wanted to create a graduate assistantship and, after looking through all applicants, selected Smith because she wanted to accomplish similar goals within the department.

Smith has taken on many responsibilities as the graduate assistant. She said her position includes organizing events, running social media pages and coordinating with the Panther Shuttle. Smith said handling the Panther Shuttle consumes the majority of her day. She explained how she is a liaison between students and the shuttle. Smith said she works to keep everything running smoothly, “If you have a concern about the Panther Shuttle, I’m your girl!”

Smith and Martin work on ideas for UPD events. One of their shared goals is to establish a community between students and UPD. Smith said she noticed a significant amount of students were interested in interacting with officers more around campus. She said students wanted to know the officers away from an incident where officers would be called.

Smith said she has been working with UPD to host “Coffee with the Cops” events on campus. She said it is a way for students to interact with officers.

“That’s why I have these events, they’re important to me,” Smith explained she has worked with other campus organizations for student-officer socials.

Smith said Martin and her bounce ideas off of each other and the activities they plan turn out well.

“I love him to death. He’s the best boss I’ve ever had,” she said.

Smith isn’t involved with just the UPD, she is also an advisor for Sigma Gamma Rho, has an internship through the Office of Study Abroad, and is the Internal Affairs Chair for student government.

Smith is planning a Coffee with the Cops: Homecoming Edition on Oct. 20 at Java from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. She said, along with the officers, there would be free coffee and Krispy Kreme doughnuts.

Caption JaLisa Smith, UPD’s first graduate assistant, completed her bachelor’s at Eastern May 2016. File Photo by Dominic Baima

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